Monday, October 05, 2015

It's the Time of Night When Gettin' Wrong is Feelin' Right

Quick recap of a quick trip home. Congrats Michael and Lindsay! Special thanks to all of my friends (most of your are in the following images), it would not have been worth the trip without you all.

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Until next time Dirtbags!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Chasing The Goose: 43 hours in Philly

Welcome friends, it has been a while since I have put any love into this site. As of today, this ol' girl is getting some much needed attention and in the process, I am taking a slightly different approach. The plan is to add a new post each month of a story, photo-essay, recent trip, or “thing” I have designed and built. In addition, I have started a small mailing list and have been creating something unique to accompany each post (if you are interested in being on that list Email me For now I plan on keeping it free. But, by all means if you feel compelled to share something back, please do! First up is series of images from my trip to Philadelphia in October of last year.

During my last year of college my roommates and I had a house called the "MooseGoose". The MooseGoose residents and visitors witnessed Art shows, “Chuk Club”, dance parties, sing-a-longs, "Home Alone" style sledding, broken lazy-boys, broken drywall, broken glass, broken floor tiles, pissed beds, stoned landlords, the Four LOCO craze, no pants parties, horse mask photo bombs, black mold, after hours libations, spray painted t-shirts, naked snow shovel air guitar, The six-pack challenge, dirt floor pizza, Mario Cart (game cube, and 64), the ass scanner photo booth, painting the windows black, Benny Badass, BMX, hiding a monitor in the living room wall,  and an over the top study of the "Bicycle Race" poster from cover of Queen's album "Jazz".

Nearly four years have passed since Andy, Chuk, and myself crawled from the debris left by the MooseGoose. Andy once stated, "If we had stayed there another month, we'd all be dead". So with the Goose being long dead and buried, I felt it was time to see how the other two-thirds of that era were getting on in life.
My plane landed on a Friday night in October. Andy and Chuk live in a house with three other close friends from school. The influence of the Goose still lives on with the boys in Philly. The house is now called "Boyz House" and the residents all hold down decent jobs. The daily lifestyle and social engagements however, they remain true to Goose's roots. The following images are an account of 43 hours trailing my brothers thru the streets of Philadelphia, at times literally “Chasing the Goose”. 

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