New Years Eve on the south shore in Long Guyland. What am I holding?

Double J's Chevy
Careful sticker placement
1940's four cylinder generator. This was built to power anti-aircraft equipment used in WWII.
Brass carburetor
Coolest bike we saw all weekend. That is a conduit exhaust. The Johnsen Family Jeans are in the background.
Second coolest bike on the Island
Diner Advert
One of two photos taken in the City
I guess this is where Long Island parks their Time Machines...
Playing with the set up a little... Tank is staying the same, seat is being re-covered, and I'm thinking about leaving the air box out and making a new place for the battery.
Prepped for paint
Striped the controls with the wire wheel just like I did for the rest of the front end
After Lerch's Swim
Over and out.
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