The gang got together last week just before X-MAS for an annual Shit Show. Unfortunately it was mainly a blur for most of the participants this time around, thus leaving very little of the night to be remembered the next day. From what I was able to gather the picture below is a pretty accurate description. So you could say it was all shit and no show. I would like to add that waking up to a dog licking my hand and wet pants was a first for me.

This isn't a photo, it is an actual shot of my eye's view of the night. Those squiggly lines in the corner are a sign of an inevitable blackout approaching...

Shortly after the blackout begins my zombie twin comes out and proceeds to wander, sleep, and piss wherever he pleases. Quite scary.

Of course the Horse decided to stay in Plattsburgh this time around... It is a shame he always seems to get things done.

Do we still film stuff? I guess so...
tin foil bomb from Nathan A. Woodruff on Vimeo.
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