Sorry for the major lack of updates, school is finally done. I'll hopefully be working, riding, and filming for the next 6 weeks. I got into Rochester late on Friday, to late in fact to ride X-Dreams which sucked (thanks to shitty weather and car problems). I met Chris and Matt at Chris's house in the city, and after pounding a few beers to catch up Chris called his "personal" cab driver Mohammed to pick us up and take us downtown. Mohammed is a pretty crazy dude, he was even cool with road sodas in the cab. Unfortunately for me the cab ride was the end of the Fun. The upscale bars downtown were way to over priced for my college budget, I broke a part off my phone outside one bar, and almost got into a fight for not tipping each time I bought a beer (the cheapest beer was $4+ fuck that). The dude who wanted to fight me was some Yankee's fan, and he talked shit on my Brewers hat, he most have been pissed about how much the Yankee's spent on C.C. Sabathia, dude was a fag. Anyway, I have some video clips, and pictures from that night that should be up soon enough.
I found this old ass photo of a stripper at a club near the casino... Rough I know, I found this strippers fingernail on the stage after her show... It's still hanging on the wall in my room!
Guess who this Shredder is and win a virtual hi-five.

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